random thoughts on political,historic and personal issues
Published on June 5, 2005 By micklntc In US Domestic
Good God! You idiots stuck your king back in the office he stole 4 years ago! Are you people all morons or just intellectually lazy? You chose an image over substance, a hawk with no combat experience over a man who had been there, seen it, and it was bad. Why? Is sending off the poor and desperate to die for big oil that patriotic? Perhaps one should inquire as to how many of these Republican death lovers have sent their own spawn off to die in the middle east/? I can tell you right now:0! Do you not understand that the hawks who kill your children today were yesterday's cowards, content to dodge Vietnam in a maze of deferments only available to the rich and connected? Where is the rage? Where is the passion that unseated W's earlier form (Nixon)? Is it really worth it? What are all you Yuppies going to do when the butcher's bill is so high they start coming after YOUR children? Will you all be so complacent then?Meanwhile, the official face of your nation is so intolerant you ought to change your country's name to Ameristan! Don't tell me all those rigid intolerant skypilots on the right are any less dangerous or mean than the Taliban. They'd like nothing better than to destroy the bastion of freedom and liberty and replace it with a bloodthirsty theocracy. Perhaps it's time to start rebroadcasting nightly news reports from Vietnam, back to back with Iraq reports. Once that happens, will anybody see the difference? One in the jungle, one in the desert, same old bullshit!
on Jun 05, 2005
This post is so full of lies it's astounding.
on Jun 05, 2005
So, what specifically is he lying about?
on Jun 05, 2005

#2 by dabe
Sunday, June 05, 2005

So, what specifically is he lying about?

Lets start with the ignorant lie that GW "stole" the office of president 4 years ago!
on Jun 05, 2005
I was asking the dog
on Jun 05, 2005
So, what specifically is he lying about?

As was already stated, that Bush "stole" the election.

Sending someone off to war for oil, is another lie.

Republicans not sending their own to war, is another lie. Remember the military vote goes to Republicans.

Comparing this country to the Taliban is a lie.

His comments about destroying liberty is a lie.

Anything else?
on Jun 05, 2005
You need to do some more research. Your mind is rotting from the complacency.
on Jun 06, 2005
You need to do some more research. Your mind is rotting from the complacency.

I have done the research. I see as usual you present no facts to back up your claims.
on Jun 06, 2005

Do you not understand that the hawks who kill your children today were yesterday's cowards, content to dodge Vietnam in a maze of deferments only available to the rich and connected?

I would not say that the Clinton of the 60s was either.  But in this country, you are welcome to your opinion and to voice it.  No matter how stupid it is.

on Jun 06, 2005

You need to do some more research. Your mind is rotting from the complacency

Notice ID that she did not actually refute anything you said?

on Jun 06, 2005

#9 by Dr. Guy
Monday, June 06, 2005

[Dr. Guy]

You need to do some more research. Your mind is rotting from the complacency

Notice ID that she did not actually refute anything you said?

Like I said in the other post where she doesn't answer. This is the typical response from radicals. They make their claims, then don't back it up.